Set up notifications for discussions that you're not participating in, and Rungway will send you a notification for every new reply.
👉🏻 Discussion notifications are anonymous. Only you know the discussions you have chosen to be notified on.
👉🏻 As a discussion creator, you are only shown how many members are receiving notifications, not who they are.
To turn ON notifications on web and mobile:
Choose the discussion you're interested in
Click ‘Notify me’ on the card on web, or in the 'more' menu on mobile.
On web:
On mobile:
To turn OFF notifications on web and mobile:
Find the discussion by searching or clicking the link at the bottom of the email
Click 'Stop notifying me' on the card or in the 'more' menu on mobile.
To review how many members requested to be notified on your discussion:
In your 'My Activity' area, go to 'Discussions'
On each card you'll see a counter to show you how many members are getting notified when a new reply arrives